
How can we help you?

Billing, usage & payment


Where can I view my bill?

Your bill can be viewed in the “Subscriptions” section of your MyGoMo account. This balance reflects all bills issued to date and unpaid.

How can I pay my bills?

You can pay via:

  • Direct debit
  • eBill
  • Credit card on MyGoMo
  • E-banking
  • Post offices with a BVR with reference number
  • MyGoMo

More details on How to pay your bill.

How to read my bill?

More details on "Your bill explained"

I want to change my payment method

In MyGoMo, you can change your preferred payment method at any time. For example, you can modify your credit card details or choose TWINT or PostFinance as your payment method.

How do I know when my latest bill is available?

You will receive a notification via email. If you haven't received this notification, check the "Subscriptions" section of your MyGoMo account. If you have any further questions about your bills, you can contact us here.

When is my bill due?

Once your bill has been generated, you will receive an email notification around the 10th of each month. Payment will be made 18 days later via the payment method you specified during account registration.

My bill shows roaming communications (calls, SMS) to one or more unknown number(s). What does this mean?

When you roam, you are connected to one of the mobile networks in your country you are in. When invoicing, providers in some countries replace certain destination numbers with generic numbers. These are usually communications to service numbers, hotlines or value-added service numbers, etc. (Orange France, for example, systematically replaces all short numbers on the bill with the generic number +333000). It is also possible that the operator may simply not have registered the destination number and, for this reason, indicates a generic number. Sometimes it is possible to find the actual destination number on a search site in the country concerned (e.g., .fr, .es, etc.).

It may also be that the local provider has not registered the destination number and therefore indicates a generic number. Sometimes it is possible to find the effective destination number on a search engine of the country concerned (e.g., .fr, .es, etc.).

Therefore, it is basically not a billing error, but a problem with the display on the bill.

My usage

How can I deactivate a premium SMS service (value-added service)?

Find the short number of the value-added service in question on your detailed bill (My Account → Bills).

Then go to the page Search for short number* and use the indicated keywords to deactivate the service(s):

  • To deactivate one specific service:
    STOP [name of the service] to the short number of the service provider.
  • To deactivate all services of a specific service provider:
    STOP ALL to the short number of the service provider.
  • To block access to all adult services via your connection** (independently of the service provider):
    BLOCK ADULT to 5155.
  • To block access to all premium services via your connection** (independently of the service type and provider):
    BLOCK ALL to 5155.

Please note: You will no longer have access to any premium service at all and will no longer be able to use your mobile phone for service payments (e.g. Selecta vending machines, parking tickets etc.).

* You can search by provider name or by number.

** Blockage on Salt network level.

How can I make sure that my smartphone is not downloading data without my noticing?

You can:

  • Avoid automatic synchronization of your apps:
    • Android: Settings > Accounts > More > Disable automatic sync.
    • Apple: Settings > General > Background refresh.
  • Limit operational system updates to Wi-Fi:
    • Android: Settings > Data Usage > More > Background Data Restriction.
    • Apple: Settings > iTunes and App Stores > deselect "Cellular Data".
  • Restrict application updates to Wi-Fi:
    • Android: Settings > Data Usage > More > Background Data Restriction.
    • Apple: Settings > iTunes and App Stores > deselect "Cellular Data".


How can I deactivate my voicemail and then reactivate it?

You can temporarily deactivate your voicemail - for example, if you are travelling and want to avoid roaming costs - by typing ##002# or ##004# on your smartphone keypad and then clicking on the call button.
Callers won't be able to leave you any messages, but you will receive SMS notifications telling you who or what number called you.
To reactivate your voicemail, type **004*086x # on your smartphone keypad and then click on the call button (x is your mobile number). For example, if your number is 078 123 45 67, type **004*0860781234567#).

How do I listen to my voicemail messages?

In Switzerland:

  • From your mobile phone:
    Call your own number and follow the instructions.
  • From another phone:
    1. Call 086 followed by your phone number (e.g. 086 078 000 99 11).
    2. During the voice message, press * and your password will be requested.
    3. If you have not set a password or if you have entered the wrong password three times, you will receive a new one by SMS.
    4. Then follow the instructions.
  • From abroad:
    1. Dial +4186 followed by your phone number (e.g. +4186 078 000 99 11).
    2. During the voice message, press * and your password will be requested.
    3. If you have not set a password or if you have entered the wrong password three times, you will receive a new one by SMS.
    4. Then follow the instructions.

I forgot my voicemail password. How do I reset it?

To find out how to access your voicemail, see "How can I listen to my voicemail messages?”.

  1. Press 3 (configuration menu)
  2. Press 1 (change password menu)
  3. Follow the instructions.

Do I need to set up my voicemail before going abroad?

Voicemail works normally when travelling abroad. For more information, see the question "How can I deactivate and reactivate voicemail?".

Is Visual Voicemail available for my iPhone?

This service is currently not available.

Unwanted calls

I am receiving unwanted calls; how do I block them?

By default, the reception of calls classified as unwanted is blocked.

If you receive this type of call despite the blocking, please inform us at

You can also reactivate the reception of unwanted calls. To do so, contact us here.

Family guide

Rules for your children

We encourage parents to advise their children:

  • To protect their mobile phones with a code unknown to anyone else.
  • Not to give their phone number to strangers.
  • To deactivate the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functions if not used.
  • To use anonymous login names and long complex passwords (at least 8 characters) with a combination of letters, special characters and numbers. They should not share these details with anyone.
  • Not to share any personal information on social networks or blogs.
  • Not to reply to calls or SMS of any kind whenever they come from an unknown sender. They should send a "STOP" SMS to the sender if they do not wish to receive this kind of message any more.
  • Not to open any attachments or files coming from an unknown address.
  • To keep their phone's IMEI number safely at home, to prevent misuse in case the device is lost or stolen.

The Youth Media Protection sector initiative

The main telecommunications service providers in Switzerland have imposed measures on themselves in order to contribute to youth media protection.